Town of Coeymans, New York

Town of Coeymans Reassessment Project

April 17, 2019

The Town of Coeymans will be conducting a Reassessment Project for the 2020 Assessment Roll with Industrial & Utility Valuation Consultants, Inc. The Town Board approved the project on November 28, 2018.

As you may recall, the Towns’ last successful project happened some twelve years ago. The New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS) typically recommends that these projects occur every five years or so given that some properties appreciate more quickly than others. In fact, in our Town today, ORPTS who sets the Town’s overall level of assessment has reduced ours to 95% from 100%, reflecting not only residential value increases since the last reassessment, but commercial value increases as well.

A reassessment project would also verify the inventories on parcels in the town are correct.  The towns’ Data collector and Assessor will be out updating pictures and verifying inventory. A reassessment project does not mean property taxes will increase or decrease town wide, it is being done so property owners are all being treated fair and equitable.