Re-opening of Town Hall
All Coeymans Residents, Business and Property Owners:
Our plan is to open Town Hall to the public for business starting Monday June 15th during the regular hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm. New safety protocols will be in place for members of the public to enter the building:
- The doors to Town Hall will be locked. Each member of the public will ring the doorbell to gain access to the Town Hall.
- Upon entering Town Hall, each member of the public will be required to have a facial covering on, sanitize their hands, and practice social distancing of at least 6ft whenever possible. Masks and sanitizer will be made available.
- Each member of the public, upon entering the Town Hall, will be asked to leave their name, phone number, and time in and out of Town Hall on a log in the event contact tracing needs to be conducted.
- Each member of the public will be escorted by a member of my office to the necessary department to conduct their business.
- There will be limit on the number of residents allowed to enter Town Hall at the same time.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact the Town Supervisor’s Office at (518) 756-6006, ext. 2.
Thank you.
George D. McHugh
Town Supervisor
Town of Coeymans
18 Russell Avenue
Ravena, NY 12143
(518) 756-6006 – Office
(518) 756-1991 – Facsimile