Town of Coeymans, New York

PUBLIC NOTICE- 2021 Town Board Meeting Schedule

January 11, 2021



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Town Board of the Town of Coeymans establishes the following dates in 2021 as Town Board Meetings.  These meetings will take place on Thursday evenings, the second and fourth week of each month, unless otherwise noted, commencing at 6:30 P.M.

January                 1st          Organizational
January                 14th         Meeting
January                 28th         Meeting
February               11th         Meeting
February               25th         Meeting
March                    11th         Meeting
March                    25th         Meeting
April                      8th           Meeting
April                      22nd         Meeting
May                        13th         Meeting
May                        27th         Meeting
June                       10th         Meeting
June                       24th         Meeting
July                        8th           Meeting
July                        22nd         Meeting
August                   12th         Meeting
August                   26th         Meeting
September             9th           Meeting
September             23rd         Meeting
October                 14th         Meeting
October                 28th         Meeting
November 4th*     Meeting (first Thursday)
November              22nd*       Meeting (Monday)
December              9th           Meeting
December              23rd         Meeting

By Order of the Town Board
Of the Town of Coeymans
Cindy L. Rowzee
Town Clerk