PUBLIC HEARING: PB/ZBA will hold a public hearing on 12/11/23 -Carver Companies 23-004ZAV
Town of Coeymans
Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals
18 Russell Avenue
Ravena, New York 12143
Phone (518) 756-6006 Fax (518) 756-1991
Please take notice, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law, Section 104 of the Public Officers Law, and the Town of Coeymans Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearings at the Town Hall, 18 Russell Avenue, Ravena, New York at 7:00 P.M. on, December 11th, 2023. Please note, said hearing may be adjourned from time to time as necessary.
Carver Companies (23-004ZAV): An application for an Area Variance on the property owned by Ten Eyck Powell III and Atlantic Cement Co Inc. Property located at 87 Bronk Road and 1916 US Route 9W, Tax Map #’s 156.-3-1.1 and 156.-2-1.11.