Town of Coeymans, New York


April 3, 2023

Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Coeymans PB/ZBA

Please take notice, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law, Section  104 of the Public Officers Law, and the Town of Coeymans Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at Town Hall, 18 Russell Ave Ravena, N.Y. 12143 at 7:00pm on Wednesday April 5th, 2023.

Marebo, LLC. (22-001SUP): An application for a special use permit located on the property owned by Flach Properties, LLC. Property located at US Route 9W, Tax Map 156.-2-1.3 and 156.-2-1.6

Marebo, LLC. (22-002SPR): An application for a site plan review located on the property owned by Flach Properties, LLC. Property located at US Route 9W, Tax map #156.-2-1.3 and 156.-2-1.6