Now Hiring: Part Time clerk (2)
Employment applications may be downloaded from the website under documents/forms or obtained from the Supervisor’s Office, Town Hall, 18 Russell Avenue, Ravena. Please submit by 10/19/21
The Town of Coeymans is seeking applicants for part-time position of Clerk in the Assessor’s office and Waste Water Treatment Plant. Interested applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, general office experience, and like working with the public. Job Functions:
To assist the Assessor in all aspects of duties including but not limited to the following:
- Clerical duties such as typing, filing, telephone calls and assist the public
- Knowledge of Windows 10 operating system
- Working knowledge of Microsoft applications (ie. Word and EXCEL)
- Ability to learn State software program, RPS V4, which will include the processing of sales and transmittal reports, updating inventory information, address changes, bank codes, and exemption maintenance
- Assist Data collector
- Attend State training classes
- Expected hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30am-2:00pm
Questions may be directed to the Assessor’s office, 756-6006 extension 5.
To assist the Waste Water Treatment Plant in all aspects of duties including but not limited :
Expected hours are Tuesday and Thursday 10am-2pm