Town of Coeymans, New York

NOTICE – Special Meeting – June 4th

June 2, 2020


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Coeymans will hold a Special Meeting on June 4, 2020 beginning at 7:00pm at Town Hall, 18 Russell Avenue, Ravena, NY.

The purpose of this meeting is to consider proposed local laws, their amendments or adoptions, regarding the following:

  1. Unsafe Building
  2. Property Maintenance
  3. Peace and Good Order

Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, the Town Hall is closed to the general public until further notice.  Pursuant to Executive Order No. 202.1, issued by Governor Cuomo, and advisories issued by Federal, State and Local officials related to the COVID-19 virus, the public will not be permitted to attend in person.  The public may view and listen to the proceedings live, via the Town of Coeymans Facebook page.  Pursuant to Executive Order No. 202.1, this meeting will be recorded and transcribed.

By Order of the Town Board
Of the Town of Coeymans
Cindy L. Rowzee
Town Clerk