Message from the Board regarding Sycamore Golf Course
Dear Coeymans residents, friends and neighbors,
This week, the Coeymans Town Board approved resolutions related to the intended purchase of the Sycamore Country Club. The money was to have come from host fees received by the town, meaning the purchase would not impact town taxpayers. Additionally, the negotiated purchase price was far below market value. The town was interested in Sycamore because the club borders existing park land maintained by the town. We believed this expansion of park land would benefit residents in terms of recreation, education, culture and protection of open space. We further believed the town would be eligible for grant funding to help with the expansion of trails and other recreational assets.Today, the town was informed by the current owner of Sycamore that they had received a new offer for the property, and would therefore be rejecting the good faith offer made by the town and approved by the Town Board. We wish both the current and future owners of Sycamore all the best as they move forward with new plans. Coeymans is a beautiful and historic community and we will continue to look forward to other opportunities to expand parks and preserve open space. The town has several possibilities for such projects and looks forward to sharing those ideas with the public we serve as they come to fruition.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Coeymans Town Board