Comprehensive Plan Virtual Information Meeting 3/4/2021
Town of Coeymans Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Virtual Public Information Meeting
Coeymans, New York – The Town of Coeymans Town Board invites community members and stakeholders to participate in a virtual public information meeting regarding the draft Comprehensive Plan amendment. The event will take place on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 6:30 PM via Zoom Webinar. Registration is required for the event. To register, visit the project website at
The purpose of the virtual meeting is to provide information about the draft Comprehensive Plan amendment, including its preparation and key recommended actions. The event will include an overview presentation by the Town’s consultant team followed by a question-and-answer session focused on the comprehensive planning process. Community members are encouraged to review the draft Comprehensive Plan amendment which is available on the Town website ( and project website at
The public hearing for the draft Comprehensive Plan Amendment which opened on January 28, 2021, remains open. Additional comments on the draft plan amendment can be provided at the February 25th and March 11th Town Board Public Hearings at 6:00PM, or emailed to the Town Clerk at [email protected].
The Town of Coeymans has initiated an update to its 2006 Comprehensive Plan to reflect the needs of today and identify a direction for the future. The Comprehensive Plan amendment will create a framework for the future of the Town related to a range of topic areas, including land use, economic development, infrastructure, transportation, government administration and the environment. The Town Board has hosted a variety of public outreach and engagement activities throughout the preparation of the document, including creation of a website devoted specifically to the effort, a community survey, socially-distanced in-person information pop-up tables at key community events, and a series of updates and discussions at Town Board meetings. Additionally, the Town Board has scheduled and opened a formal public hearing to gather public feedback. That public hearing remains open (visit the Town website for public hearing noticing information).
The planning process is being guided by the Coeymans Town Board and facilitated by a consultant team led by M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. (MJ) of Clifton Park.