Town of Coeymans, New York

PUBLIC NOTICE: Request for Proposals

April 7, 2022

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bid responses will be received by the Town of Coeymans, County of Albany, State of New York on the 27th day of April 2022 at 2:00 PM EST at Coeymans Town Hall located at 18 Russell Ave. Ravena, NY 12143, at which time and place bids will be opened and read in public for:

Town of Coeymans: Request for Proposals (RFP) for Private Providers to Deploy, Operate, and Maintain a High-Speed Broadband Internet Network for Underserved Premises     

To obtain electronic copies of the Request for Proposal, see the download below or contact the Town Clerk’s office at 18, Russel Ave, Ravena, NY 12143.

The Project is generally described as follows:

The Town seeks to provide high-speed broadband services to underserved premises within the Town along Starr Road and Bushendorf Road (the “Service Area”).  The Town offers to provide a grant to one or more Internet Service Providers or other entities to defray the costs of the infrastructure necessary to meet the requirements of the RFP which is to build, operate, and maintain assets to provide internet service of at least 100 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload in the Service Area.

The envelopes containing the bid responses must be sealed and addressed to the Town of Coeymans Town Clerk, 18 Russell Ave. Ravena, NY 12143 and must be designated as “High-Speed Broadband Network for Underserved Properties.”

Bids actually received by mail or by hand after the appointed time on the date specified shall be rejected, notwithstanding that such Bid may have been placed in a mailbox or other mail receptacle regularly maintained by the United States Postal Service before such time and ordinarily in sufficient time to have been delivered on time. A pre-bid conference will not be held.

The Town of Coeymans reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bid received, or to reject any or all bids without explanation.

By Order of:  Town of Coeymans Town Board
Candace McHugh
Town Clerk